../diaries of
an unemployable
marxist sociologist

About me

a mirror selfie of me in my bathroom
(whipping out the artsy bathroom mirror selfie)

Hi! I’m Caro. I made this website because I wanted a space for myself on the internet that is my own and exists outside of corporate social media hell. I also have an incessant desire to talk into the void and terrorise the general population with my never-ending opinions on things. This website is the place for me to do so as I please. I coded it myself and it’ll probably always be a work in progress.

I primarily consider myself a cultural writer and researcher. I write a lot about the emotional experience of neoliberal capitalism, particularly from my perspective as a queer neurodivergent person. I’m interested in labour issues, the commodification of mental health, and unravelling the power structures surrounding psychiatry, work, and intersecting forms of marginalisation. I spend a lot of time thinking about ways to counteract alienation and how to find a sense of both personal and collective power within oppressive structures that isolate us and shame us for who we are. In a sense, all of my creative and intellectual work revolves around the same questions of how to navigate the present moment without going insane, and how to conceive of a future in a seemingly futureless world.

I’m also really interested in place and belonging, in how we feel connected to or disconnected from places, both physical and virtual. I’ve studied human geography and sociology in London, and currently live in Berlin. I’ve always loved exploring the many contradictory layers and strange corners of the city. At the same time, I think a lot about the internet as a virtual place of belonging and what it means if those spaces are increasingly being colonised by corporate interests. I hope that parts of the internet will always remain the space of creative weirdos who want nothing to do with all the professional bullshit. Hopefully, this website can be my contribution to that.

A note on my zines

I make all of my zines freely available for anyone to look at, download, or even print and distribute. Sometimes I sell physical copies at zine fests, but I'm not planning to make money from this as I prefer my art and research to be freely available. So if you want to print and distribute anything I made, I'm totally happy with that as long as you credit me.